St. Andrew's CE (VA) Infant School

Promoting excellence within a caring, Christian community

Tel: 01484 714964 | Fax: N/A

‘St Andrew’s Junior School is OUTSTANDING in all areas.’ – Ofsted December 2022. ‘St Andrew’s Infant School is GOOD with OUTSTANDING features in Personal Development and Behaviours and Attitudes’ – Ofsted June 2023.


Guidance for parents and carers: keeping children safe online

Purple Mash

Your child has access to Purple Mash, a whole world of fun and exciting learning opportunities in one safe place. It teaches children how to access programs, learn about online safety, algorithms and how children can learn to debug programs.

What is Purple Mash?

Purple Mash is a comprehensive suite of online learning tools and content, designed to be used by Primary aged children in the classroom and at home.

Find out more here:

What should you do first?

To begin with, it’s a good idea to log in to Purple Mash with your child. We suggest the following:

Familiarising yourself with the menu icons.
Looking at any set tasks that have been given to your child (2Dos).
Exploring the grammar, maths and spelling activities which match to the National Curriculum,
-Play one of many fun, educational collaborative games such as 2Race.
Delve into the Science area and find out about all the areas of Science it covers.
Investigate the Topics area to support securing their knowledge of the wider curriculum.
Tour the Computing area trying out some of the tools such as 2Code, 2Go and Logo.
Get creative in the Tools section, from making an animation to building a printable 3D model
Dive into Serial Mash (an online library of books)
Learn through play in Mini Mash (For children aged 3 to 5).

How can you get more involved?

As a parent, you can find out about your child’s learning on Purple Mash and support them beyond the classroom by registering with Parent Portal. Parent Portal allows you to easily see the learning your child has been doing on Purple Mash, including any comments on work from teachers, (2Dos), rewards and so much more. You can start using Parent Portal today by following the 3 simple steps below.

Step 1: Enter URL on your child’s login card.
Step 2: Click ‘Register as a parent’.
Step 3: Enter the ‘Parent Code’ on your child’s login card and follow additional instructions.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance.

Happy Purple Mashing

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