St. Andrew's CE (VA) Infant School

Promoting excellence within a caring, Christian community

Tel: 01484 714964 | Fax: N/A

‘St Andrew’s Junior School is OUTSTANDING in all areas.’ – Ofsted December 2022. ‘St Andrew’s Infant School is GOOD with OUTSTANDING features in Personal Development and Behaviours and Attitudes’ – Ofsted June 2023.


Our carefully planned science curriculum aims to help children to develop a range of scientific skills and knowledge, as well as inspiring them to explore, enquire and experiment. Scientific learning allows children to practise ‘being a scientist’, develop an understanding of ‘how’ and ‘why’ things work, as well as retaining key information (Sticky Knowledge) in line with the National Curriculum.

In EYFS, we use the ‘Development Matters’ document to explore, experience and observe the world around us. Adults in the setting help children to articulate, support their exploration and address misconceptions, allowing children to form ideas and begin to make sense of the wider world around them. The children’s interests are followed in continuous provision, balanced with carefully planned ‘adult led’ activities which link with the seasons, the local environment and prepare them for KS1.

In KS1, ‘Cornerstones’ is used to plan a spiral curriculum, ensuring pupils revisit prior learning and build on their current knowledge, covering all the aspects of the National Curriculum. Science lessons are inclusive and focus tightly on the scientific learning, with children able to identify both what they have learned and the scientific skills used.

Throughout school, science lessons will begin with a ‘Quick 6’, and each topic will begin with a ‘Mind Map’ title page, allowing children to share their prior knowledge and understanding, from which common misconceptions can be highlighted to inform further planning.
The local environment features heavily in the scientific learning across school, and adults model how we explore sensitively and ethically. Lessons are ‘hands on’ and interactive as much as possible to allow pupils to develop critical thinking skills, problem solving and collaborative working, and engagement is developed through visits, visitors to school and opportunities to further develop their culture capital.

This will develop inquisitive learners and ensure our children are ready for their next stage of learning in Key Stage 2 and beyond, in which they will apply these skills, liked with embedded subject knowledge. We aspire to instil confidence in exploring, a love of learning and a fascination with science that will stay with them throughout their education.

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