St. Andrew's CE (VA) Infant School

Promoting excellence within a caring, Christian community

Tel: 01484 714964 | Fax: N/A

‘St Andrew’s Junior School is OUTSTANDING in all areas.’ – Ofsted December 2022. ‘St Andrew’s Infant School is GOOD with OUTSTANDING features in Personal Development and Behaviours and Attitudes’ – Ofsted June 2023.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant Planned

Since September 2012 all schools have been required to publish information on their Pupil Premium funding. The Department of Education issue the Pupil Premium allocation to schools based on ‘Ever 6’ as of the most recent census. This funding is available for us to support children in care, adopted children, children of parents serving in the armed forces and children known to be eligible for free school meals over a 6 year period.

Objectives for Pupil Premium

  1. The Pupil Premium will be used to provide additional educational support to improve the progress and to raise the standard of achievement for these pupils
  2. The funding will be used to diminish the gap between the achievement of these pupils and their peers
  3. As far as its powers allow the school will use the additional funding to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible for Pupil Premium and others
  4. We will ensure that the additional funding reaches the pupils who need it most and that it makes a significant impact on their education and lives



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